



第三节 新加坡的商业机遇(下)

作者:霍健明KEN哥 来源: 外贸人家园 2021-09-29 17:03阅读量:

第三节 新加坡的商业机遇 Unit 3 Business Opportunities in Singapore 二、商业机遇 Business Opportunities 【 6】国际化。新加坡是东南亚地区最为国际化的现代化国家,是东南亚金融中心和贸易物流

第三节  新加坡的商业机遇
 Unit 3 Business Opportunities in Singapore

二、商业机遇 Business Opportunities




6】Internationalization. Singapore is hailed as the most international modern country and the international financial center. It is the hub of trading and logistics in Southeast Asia, the top hub of commodities and crude-oil trading in Asia, and the home of the numerous financial institutions. Even the sea port and airport enjoy high efficiency. In fact, most travelers consider Changi Airport in Singapore one of the best in the world.

7】小红点。新加坡是一个花园城市, 一个创始于1965年的年轻城市型国家,在世界地图上看起来只是“小红点”。在中国做生意,有人会说,从我的城市到你的城市只是100来公里而已。但在新加坡,已经出国了。这个国家的面积比中国香港特别行政区 HONG KONG SAR)还要小。

7】Little red dot. As a garden city, and a little red dot in the map of the world, Singapore has become a city-state since its independence in 1965. However, its size is even smaller than Hong Kong, which may shock some Chinese businessmen who are accustomed to driving 100 kilometers for business opportunities. 





8Headquarters. In the recent past, when top multinational corporations (MNC) planned their regional headquarters for exploring the Asian market, they would usually choose between Singapore and Hong Kong but now Shanghai is another strong alternative for consideration. If the focus of business is within the ASEAN group, then Singapore is the only choice. In business, MNC decision-makers will consider factors such as the stability of the political and social environment, the sound legal system (which is provided in Singapore in the form of common law), the strong protection for intellectual property rights, the mature financial system, the well-run infrastructure facilities, the free-flow of top elites and skilled talents between local and regional markets, the proficiency of international business language ( English) and the reasonable cost of business operations.

9】成功模范。李光耀回忆录1965—2000 》这样写道,早期的新加坡人,不过只是福建、广东等地目不识丁、没有田地的农民的后裔。而现在,人口只有600万不到的国家,输出了不少管理人才和管理模式,这让新加坡人非常自豪。比如,苏州工业园,南洋理工大学,淡马锡控股公司等,都是中国改革开放过程中学习和研究的典范。从90年代开始,进军中国的不少跨国公司里面的中高层管理团队也出现了不少新加坡专业人士的身影。


9Model for success. Another jewel of the Singaporean prestige lies in the fact that   a country with a population of less than 6 million (some considered “only the descendants of illiterate, landless farmers in Fujian, Guangdong and other places” in the Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, 1965-2000), has exported large numbers of  management talents as well as their management expertise and models. For example, Suzhou Industrial Park, Nanyang Technological University ( NTU), and Temasek Holdings are all models used for research in the process of China’s “reform and opening up”. Since the early 1990s, many Singaporean professionals have joined top management teams of the multinationals which entered the Chinese market.


10】High-tech manufacturing. Singapore is not only just another financial and trading center like Hong Kong, but it also dominates in technology and manufacturing, especially in the four leading industries: petro-chemicals, electronics, machinery manufacturing, and biopharmaceuticals. It claims the third monopoly for oil refinery and petro-chemicals, and the biggest maker of offshore jack-up rigs for marine drilling.






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