



第四节 菲律宾-七千岛国(上)

作者:霍健明KEN哥 来源:外贸人家园 2021-09-29 17:05阅读量:

第四节 菲律宾 - 七千岛国 Unit 4 Business Opportunities in Philippines 一、 基本情况 Background Information 【 1】旅游殿堂。菲律宾的旅游口号是: 更多乐趣尽在菲律宾 ! 菲律宾群岛由超过 7千个岛

第四节  菲律宾-七千岛国
Unit 4 Business Opportunities in Philippines


一、基本情况 Background Information


1】旅游殿堂。菲律宾的旅游口号是:更多乐趣尽在菲律宾 菲律宾群岛由超过7千个岛屿组成,可分为吕宋岛米沙鄢群島棉兰老岛三大岛群。每年多达十几个台风带来暴雨和风暴,时不时遭受地震。其气候环境造就了丰富的自然资源生物多样性,因此也为发达的旅游业提供了基本条件, 造就了世界顶级潜水的殿堂,每年吸引发烧友和旅行者前来体验。【1】 Paradise for travelers. Inbound travelers may be impressed with the slogan:


“IT’S MORE FUN IN PHLILIPPINES”. The unique features of the geology of the country can be depicted by the more than seven thousand islands, divided into  LuzonVisayas, and Mindanao. The islands are usually stricken by more than a dozen typhoons which bring torrential rains and thunderstorms each year, and even some earthquakes. The climate endows it with abundant natural resources and some of the world's greatest biodiversity, thus making the tourism boom possible. The world classical paradise for diving and snorkeling is therefore capable of attracting hundreds of thousands of divers and travelers.


2人口构成。2015年的人口普查显示总人口超过1亿,是东南亚第二个人口多的国家。估计超过一半的人口居住在吕宋岛, 其中大马尼拉市人口最多,有超过1150万人。据测算年龄结构显示年轻人居多,比例为:0-14 岁占总人口的34.1%,15-64 岁占比 61.7%。菲律宾语和英语都是官方语言。菲律宾语是以他加禄语(Tagalog、Tagalogs)为基础的。菲律宾华人几乎遍布全菲各地。据统计,目前在菲律宾人口的华人约有百万,其中先祖来自福建闽南泉州漳州厦门)为主。


2】Demography. The census in 2015 indicated that the total population in the Philippines exceeded 100 million, being the second most populous country in the ASEAN group. It is estimated that half of the population resides on the island of Luzon, with the capital Manila having a population of over 11.5 million. The data also indicates the age structure as follows: aged 0-14 comprises 14.1%; and aged 15-64 comprises 61.7%. The official languages of the country are Filipino and English and Filipino is a standardized version of Tagalog. The Chinese descendants are virtually everywhere in the country, amounting to more than one million. Most of them may have ancestors coming from the southern part of the Fujian Province in China, namely Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, and Xiamen.







3Bands & Singers. In the ASEAN countries, Hong Kong, or even  China, the singers and bands performing English songs in hotels or events are actually from the Philippines. Their exceptional singing and dancing skills as well as their proficiency in English make them top performers of Western pop songs. 



4No divorce. In his expedition, on behalf of the Spanish monarch, the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan made his first circumnavigation of the Earth in 1519-1521 and died in a conflict with the local tribes in Cebu; his legacy, however, led to the introduction of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines. For the past 500 years, the Roman Catholic Church has had an enormous impact in political and social aspects in the Philippines. For example, at present, more than 80% of the population profess Catholicism, thus making it the only Catholic country in the ASEAN group. It is therefore understandable that, under the influence of the Catholic doctrine, the local people have a very low rate of divorce.



5American  influence. The dominance of English (American English) and the absorption of Western culture by local people have left two major prominent traces: NBA (National Basketball Association), which is televised in almost every screen; and Jeepney, the modified Jeeps left behind by the American troops after World War II, which have now become the most popular commuting vehicle, being even hailed as the “King of the Road” and being well-known for the crowded appearance and flashy decoration – a true cultural and artistic icon.





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