



第五节 泰国的商业机遇(下)

作者:霍健明KEN哥 来源:外贸人家园 2021-09-29 17:17阅读量:

第五节 泰国的商业机遇 Unit5 Business Opportunities THAILAND 二、 商业机遇 Business Opportunities 【 6】旅游业。泰国旅游业非常发达。大 曼谷地区的大都会,南部面临 暹罗湾 和印度洋的天然的沙

第五节 泰国的商业机遇

Unit5  Business Opportunities THAILAND

二、商业机遇Business Opportunities


6】旅游业。泰国旅游业非常发达。大曼谷地区的大都会,南部面临暹罗湾和印度洋的天然的沙滩度假区,北部山区都各有特色,而且丰俭由人。泰国旅游三件宝:寺庙、海滩、冬荫功!“冬荫”指酸辣,“功”即是虾,合起来就是酸辣虾汤,是享用泰国风味的不二之选 。旅游业的一个特点就是经常翻新装修,还要体现特色,这样就为商业头脑灵活、制造业日益强大、走向价值链中高端的中国厂家提供一个庞大的机会。


6Tourism. Tourism is well developed in various parts of Thailand, ranging from metropolitan Bangkok to the beach resorts in the south facing Siam Bay and the Indian Ocean, or the mountain areas in the north. All these have their own uniqueness and can meet the needs of tourists, both wealthy and budget travelers. According to some travelers’ tips, the top three must-do in Thailand are: temples, beach, and Tom-Yum-Goong (soup).  “Tom-Yum” means hot / spicy and sour while “Goong” means prawns / shrimps in Thai – this is one of the main signature dishes that defines Thai flavor. In the local tourism industry, a regular renovation of facilities is a must, partly to attract clients, and this provides ample business opportunities for the business-savvy elites supported by the Chinese manufacturing community who try to prosper by ascending the value-chain.


7】泰国香米。英文名是Jasmine Rice,直译为茉莉香米,以其香糯的口感和独特的香味享誉世界, 是世界上最大宗的出口大米品种之一。泰国大米出口到全球160多个国家,过去三十年来一直是世界第一的谷物出口国。泰国的人口主要为农业人口,集中在稻米产地,即泰国的中部和东北、北方。中国与泰国曾经达成“大米换高铁”的经济合作协议,后来因故没有继续下去。


7Fragrant rice. It is also known as aromatic rice and its more popular name in English is Jasmine Rice. It has a slightly sweet flavor and is moist and soft in sticky texture when cooked - this produces not just fragrance, but also makes it one of the biggest export rice items in the world. In the past 30 years, Thailand has been the number one grain exporter with its rice shipped to 160 countries. The population are mostly farmers who grow rice in central, northeast and northern Thailand. The famous economic cooperation agreement between the governments of Thailand and China, nicknamed as “rice for high-speed train”, was established but unfortunately terminated due to unforeseen reasons.



8】Automobile industry. As far as industrialization is concerned, Thailand has created the biggest automobile market in the ASEAN group in Rayong Province, 100 kilometers southeast of Bangkok. This has become the major industry-base for the country, and the manufacturing center for automobiles in Southeast Asia. The automobile industry, as the backbone industry of Thailand, has earned the country the reputation of “Oriental Detroit”.






9】EEC. The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Development Plan under the scheme of Thailand 4.0 aims to build the infrastructure of the country and provide investment incentives to drive the country’s investment in uplifting innovation and advanced technology in the 3 Eastern Seaboard provinces, namely Chachoengsao, Chonburi and Rayong. The encouraged industries are: new types of cars, biotechnology, smart electronics, healthcare, robotics, and digital manufacturing – in order to establish the high-tech industrial cluster for EEC.


10Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Park. This Park includes the first batch of Overseas Trade and Economic Cooperation zones and it is the first Overseas Industrial Park of China being developed in Thailand. 


说明:本文节选自《一带一路视野下的东盟十国:文化教育与商业机遇B & R, AND ASEAN, the culture, education and business opportunities.》第一章第五节 (厦门大学出版社2019年12月第一次出版ISBN: 978756157654-0。中英文双语。经两位作者许可发布,供广大读者研讨。)




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